Update as of November 5, 2024
California, like about 80 percent of the United States, restricts countable Presidential votes to a small list. In California, there are currently only seven candidates that the parties that make rules for that state allow to be counted this Presidential election. This is more than some states, less than others. I had hoped to be the eighth in California, however Sacramento informed me on October 25 that my submission was invalidated. I am in the process of trying to find out what was invalidated and whether there is any recourse to appeal or repair, but please know that unless and until that invalidation changes, and it might not, write in votes for me in California WILL NOT BE COUNTED. Please make your voting choice accordingly, and please consider that these rules are written by state legislators, not Washington, D.C. California is not unique in the general process or restriction, but many of you supported efforts to allow votes for me to be counted, and you should know that if you write in my name in California under the current conditions, it will only be counted as an unspecified "write-in", not as a vote for me. You might consider selecting one of the seven candidates, leaving it blank, writing me in anyways as a protest, and, especially, voting in state legislators that will write laws to count all votes. Please note that California is the only state I submitted votability requirements to that has currently denied votability for me. Every other state I am votable in you can select me on the ballot or write in "Chris Garrity" for President and "Cody Ballard" for Vice President.