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Partisan Government Officials

My campaign staff is myself and my Vice Presidential candidate. We are not using paid staff, which means we rely on you, the voters, to allow us to have ballot access in each state, and to hopefully elect us to serve you in the White House on November 5, 2024. People's voices, visions and votes are what should matter, not large, well-funded political party machines. As I work to achieve with a car, clipboard and listening ear what parties spend millions and millions of dollars to do, I'm demonstrating that you don't need theater and unwieldy offices to effectively serve you in the government. 


I aim to help put people's taxes to use for public goods - not private interests, and to do that efficiently. Our governments, regardless of political party in power, spend enormous sums of money paying people whose sole job is to make the government look good and to connect it to political parties. This should not be. I will work to reduce unnecessary positions that work for political parties instead of you.

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