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Accessible and Responsible Executive

I am running for President the way I would serve as President. I meet you person to person all over this country. I knock on your door, talk to you in your living room and meet you in your parks. I am very accessible, and I am working to be votable in states using a small fraction of the resources that major candidates have.


The executive branch should be accessible and responsible to people. It should serve one major purpose: to carry out the duly enacted laws of the federal government. The Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP) is an enormous organization with large staffs. Too often, the positions and nominees of senior officials in the executive branch and the staff of the EOP are not the best, but the most well-connected. Many of these positions exist to help party allies and officials gain and retain electoral success. This should not be. A reorganized EOP and a responsible policy of selecting well-qualified candidates can help the executive branch serve as a more accessible and responsible branch of government.


A truly independent President is well-positioned to accomplish these reforms. I don't owe a single cent to any donor, and have never been a member of a party. I am running on one term, with no goals for reelection, and I don't owe any favors to anyone. 


I hope you will consider that despite my low budget, plain appearance and lack of party connections, I am experienced, hard-working and independent of the strings attached to partisan executives. If you would like me to be your next President, consider letting people know about me, signing a ballot-access petition or serving as an Elector for your state.

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